Gupta, Vibhor - Mohanty, Om Prakash
Result: 0-1
Date: 2016.02.15
[...] 1.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.¤c3 ¥g7 4.¥e3 a6 5.£d2 b5 6.f3 ¤d7 7.h4!!7...¤gf6 8.O-O-O?
8.g4 h6 9.a3 c6 10.h5 g5 11.¤ge2 a5 12.¤g3 with initiative but nearly equal position.
8...h5!? To counter the assault on the h line. 9.¤h3?! (9.a3 ¥b7 10.£e1 O-O 11.¢b1 £c8 12.¤h3²) 9...¥b7 10.¤g5 O-O 11.g4 e5 The thrust to the centre. 12.d5 hxg4 13.h5=
13.¥e2 g3 14.¥f1 ¤h5 15.¦g1 ¤b6 16.b3 f5 17.¤e6 £e7!18.¤xf8 ¦xf8²
13...¤xh5 14.fxg4 ¤f4 Only move15.£h2!15...¦e8 Only move16.£h7 ¢f8 17.£h4 ¢g8 18.¥d3 c5!?
18...£e7=19.¢b1 ¤f8 20.¥d2 ¦ac8 21.¦df1 c5 22.dxc6 ¥xc6 23.¥c1 ¤8e6 24.£h7 ¢f8 25.¤xe6 £xe6 26.¤d5 ¥xd5 27.exd5 £xg4 28.¦fg1 £d7 29.¦f1 £g4 30.¦fg1 £d7=
(18...¤f8 19.¢b1 ¤g2 20.£f2 ¤f4 21.£h4 ¤g2= ) 19.dxc6 ¥xc6 20.¦df1 ¤f8 21.¢b1 ¦b8 22.¤d5 f6 23.¤h7³
23.¥xf4 exf4 24.¤f3 ¥xd5 25.exd5 ¦e3 26.¤d4 f5 27.£xd8 ¦xd8 28.¤e6 ¤xe6 29.dxe6 ¥e5 30.gxf5 gxf5 31.¥xf5 ¦e8 32.¦h7 ¦xe6 33.¦fh1 ¦e8 34.¥d7 ¦b8 35.¥e6 ¢f8 36.¥d5 ¥g7 37.¦f1 ¥e5=
23...g5 With initiative24.£h2 ¦b7 25.¤xf8 ¢xf8 26.¦hg1!?³ (26.¦d1=) 26...¥d7 27.£d2!? (27.£h1 ¥e6 28.¦f2 £d7 29.¦h2 ¥g8 30.¦d2 £c8 31.£f3³) 27...¥e6 28.¥e2 £c8 29.¦g3 £c6 30.¦d1 a5! With attack It's time to attack since all defense is complete and king is safe. 31.¥f2 b4 32.b3 ¥xd5 33.exd5 £c7 34.¥a6 ¦bb8 35.£e1 £d7!? (35...¢f7!?36.£e4 ¦h8 37.¦gg1 ¦h3 38.¥f1 ¦c3³) 36.£e4 ¦a8 37.¥e2 ¢f7 38.¥d3!? (38.¦gg1!38...¦ed8 39.¥g3) 38...¦h8 39.¥c4??
39.¥e1³39...¦h2 40.¦g1 ¦h3 41.£c4 ¦c8 42.£e4 ¦b8 43.¥c4³
39...¦h4!40.¦dg1 ¢g8 41.¥e1 ¦b8 42.¥d3??42...a4 Attacking the king takes it's shape. 43.¥c4?? Now the g pawn dies. 43...¦xg4 44.¦xg4 f5!! The whole plan behind h4 45.£e3 fxg4 46.£e4 axb3 47.¥xb3?
47.cxb3!47...£f7 48.¦xg4 £h5 49.¥e2 ¤xe2 50.£xe2 ¦f8 51.¦e4 ¦f3 52.£c2 £h1 53.¦e2 ¦f1 54.£e4 £h5 55.a4 bxa3 56.¢a2 ¢f7−+
47...¦f8 48.¥c4 ¦f7 49.¢b2 ¥f6 50.¢b1?50...¥d8 51.¥e2?? This throws the game. now is difficult to defend the position. 51...¤xe2!52.£xe2 ¦f3 53.£a6?? Now its difficult to hold this game after this move. Now its all about playing the pieces to correct places. 53...¢f7 54.¥xb4 g3 55.¦f1??55...¦f4!! To make a powerful pawn chain. 56.¥d2 ¥f6!? The plan is to play e4 at suitable moment. 57.¦g1 ¦f3 58.¥e1 e4 0-1 Since after 59.¦xg3 ¦xg3 60.¥xg3 £g4 61.£a7 ¢g6 62.£g1 £f3 63.¢c1 e3 64.¥e1 e2 65.£g3 £xg3 66.¥xg3 ¥c3!! And wins. Powered by Aquarium
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