Mohanty, Om Prakash - Anand, Anil Kumar
Result: 1-0
Date: 2015.03.07
C78: Ruy Lopez: Archangelsk and Möller Defences [...] 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 a6 4.¥a4 ¤f6 5.O-O b5 6.¥b3 ¥b7 7.¦e1 ¥c5 8.c3 d6 9.a4 ¥b6 10.d4 O-O 11.¥g5 h6 12.¥h4 ¦e8 13.axb5 axb5 14.¦xa8 ¥xa8 15.d5 ¤a7
15...¤b8 16.¥xf6 £xf6 17.¤a3 c6 18.dxc6 ¥xc6 19.¥d5 ¥d7 20.£e2 ¤c6 21.£xb5 ¦b8 22.£a4 ¥g4 23.¥xc6 ¥xf3 24.£c2 £g6 25.g3 £h5 26.¤c4 £h3 27.¤e3 h5 28.¥b5 ¥xe3 29.¥f1 ¥xe4 30.£xe4 Spierenburg,P (2060)-Loeffler,W (2358) ICCF email 2011 1/ 2-1/2 (43)
16.¥xf6 £xf6 17.¤a3 g5 18.£e2 ¥b7 19.¤c2 ¥c8 20.¤e3 ¥d7 21.¥c2 b4 22.c4 ¤c8 23.¦a1 ¤e7 24.¤d2 ¢h7 25.¤b3 ¦b8 26.¥d3 ¤c8 27.£c2 £e7 28.¥e2 ¢g7 29.¤f1 c5 30.dxc6 ¥e6 Timmerman,G (2710)-Pioch,Z (2590) Norway 1994 1-0 (47)
16...£e7 17.¤c2 ¥b7 18.¤e3 ¥c8 19.¤f5 ¥xf5 20.exf5 g5 21.fxg6 fxg6 22.¦xe5 1-0 (22) Maeder,K-Widenmann,A Germany 1968
17.£e2 ¥b7 18.¤xb5 ¤xb5 19.£xb5 g5 Black threatens to win material: g5xh4 20.¥g3 £a8 21.£e2 ¥a6 22.£d2 ¤h5 23.¦a1 £c8 24.¥d1 ¥b5 25.£c2 £d8 26.c4 ¤xg3 27.hxg3 ¥d7 28.b4 £e7 29.¦c1 c5 (29...¥d4 30.£d3±) 30.b5 ¦a8 (30...g4 31.¤h2 h5 32.¦a1±) 31.¤h2+−31...f6 32.¥h5 £h7 33.£e2 ¢f8 (33...¢h8 34.¤f1+−) 34.¤g4 ¢g7 35.¦f1 ¥a5? (35...f5 36.f4 gxf4 37.gxf4 fxg4 38.fxe5 ¦f8+−) 36.¦a1 ¥xg4 (36...¦a7+− the only chance to get some counterplay) 37.£xg4 f5 38.exf5 ¢f6 39.b6! Deflection: a5 39...£h8 (39...¥xb6 40.¦xa8 Deflection Pinning) 40.b7 ¦a7 41.£h3 ¥b6 42.¦xa7 ¥xa7 43.¥d1 h5
43...£h7 does not win a prize 44.£h5 £xf5 45.£xh6 ¢e7 46.¥a4 £b1 47.¢h2+−
44.¥xh5 £h7 (44...£h6 45.g4 £f8 46.£b3+−) 45.f4! Decoy: f4 45...£xf5 (45...exf4 46.g4 Combination) (45...gxf4 46.£h4 Decoy Discovered attack Double attack) 46.¥g4 £b1 47.¢h2 gxf4 48.£h8 ¢g5 49.£h4 ¢g6 50.gxf4 exf4 51.¥h5
51.¥h5 ¢h7 52.¥f3 ¢g8 53.£d8 ¢f7 54.£d7 ¢g8 55.£e8 ¢g7 56.£e7 ¢g8 57.¥e4 £b3 58.£h7 ¢f8 59.£h6 ¢e7 60.£g7 ¢e8 61.¥g6 ¢d8 62.£g8 ¢c7 63.£c8 ¢b6 64.b8=£ ¥xb8 65.£xb8 ¢a5 66.£xb3 ¢a6 67.£b8 f3 68.gxf3 ¢a5 69.£b5#
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