Saturday, 20 February 2016

The Evans Gambit Accepted From Black Side!!

Anand, Anil Kumar - Mohanty, Om Prakash

Result: 0-1
Date: 2015.09.30
C52: Evans Gambit Accepted: 5 c3 Ba5
[...] 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥c4 ¥c5 4.b4 ¥xb4 5.c3 ¥a5 6.d4 d6 7.£b3 £d7 8.dxe5 ¥b6 9.¥b5 a6 10.¥a4 ¤ge7
10...¥c5 11.c4 dxe5
11...¤ge7 12.O-O O-O 13.¥a3 £e6 14.exd6 ¥xd6 15.¥xd6 £xd6 16.¦d1 £g6 17.¤bd2 b6 18.£e3 ¦d8 19.¦ac1 ¥b7 20.¥b3 ¤a5 21.c5 ¤xb3 22.£xb3 b5 23.a4 ¥c6 24.¤e5 £f6 25.axb5 axb5 26.¤xc6 Miettinen,K (2466)-De Amorim Neto,J (2403) Brazil 1998 0-1 (37)
12.O-O £e6 13.¤c3 ¤ge7 14.¤d5 £d6 15.¤xe5 O-O 16.¤xc6 ¤xc6 17.¥f4 £g6 18.£g3 £xg3 19.¥xg3 ¤d4 20.¥xc7 b5 21.cxb5 axb5 22.¥b3 ¥b7 23.¦ad1 ¦a3 24.¦xd4 ¥xd4 25.¥d6 Neumann,U (1561)-Rusak,A (1856) Lechenicher SchachServer 2010 1/2-1/2 (31)
10...¥a7 11.c4 dxe5 12.O-O ¥d4 13.¤c3 ¥xc3 14.£xc3 f6 15.¦d1 £e6 16.£a5 £f7 17.£d5 £d7 18.¥a3 £xd5 19.cxd5 b5 20.¦ac1 ¤a5 21.¦xc7 bxa4 22.¦dc1 ¥d7 23.¥b4 ¤b3 24.axb3 axb3 25.¥a3 Pock,M (1309)-Spiridonov,N (1863) IECG email 1999 1-0 (39)
10...£e6 11.¥xc6 bxc6 12.O-O ¦b8 13.¢h1 dxe5 14.£xe6 ¥xe6 15.¤xe5 ¤e7 16.¥a3 f6 17.¤d3 ¥c4 18.¦d1 ¦d8 19.¤b2 ¢f7 20.¦d2 ¥e6 21.¥xe7 ¢xe7 22.f3 ¥a5 23.¦c2 ¦d7 24.¤a3 ¦hd8 25.h4 Chandon, M-Bottlik,I corr 1974 0-1 (74)
11.¥a3 ¥c5 12.exd6 £xd6 13.¥xc6 ¤xc6 Black has the pair of bishops 14.O-O White castles and improves king safety 14...O-O Black castles and improves king safety 15.¦d1 £e7 16.¥xc5 £xc5 17.¤bd2 ¦d8 18.¤f1 ¥g4 19.£xb7 ¥xf3
19...£xc3?? it may look tempting but Black must resist capturing the pawn 20.¦ac1 £a3 21.£xc6 £xa2 22.¦xd8 ¦xd8 23.£xc7+⁠−
20.gxf3 ¤e5
20...£xc3? fails because of 21.¦ac1 £xf3 22.¦xd8
22.£xc6?! is no comparison 22...£g4 23.¢h1 £f3 24.¢g1 £g4 25.¢h1 £f3 26.¢g1
22...¦xd8 23.£xc6+⁠−
21.f4 ¤f3 22.¢g2 White threatens to win material: Kg2xf3 22...¤h4 23.¢g1 £h5 24.¤e3 (24.¦xd8 ¦xd8 25.¤e3 h6) 24...¦e8 (24...¦f8 25.£d5 £f3 26.e5 £xf4 27.£c4 £g5 28.¢h1³) 25.e5 White wins space (25.¦ab1!? is worth looking at) 25...¦ab8µ26.£e4 f5 27.£d5 ¢h8 28.h3 (28.¦d3 ¦b5 29.£d7 ¦g8µ) 28...¦b6 29.¤f1 ¤g6 Black threatens to win material: Ng6xf4 30.£f7? (30.¤g3 £xh3 31.¦d4µ) 30...¦f8−⁠+31.£c4 £xh3 32.¦d3 £h4 33.¦d4? (33.£xc7 ¦b2 34.¦g3−⁠+) 33...¦b2 34.¤g3 h5 35.e6 £g4 36.¦e1 h4 37.£d3 c5 38.¦d8 (38.¦c4 ¤e7 39.¦e2−⁠+) 38...¦xd8 39.£xd8 ¢h7 40.£d3 ¤e7 (40...¤e7 41.c4 ¦xa2−⁠+) (Worse is 40...hxg3 41.£xg3 £xg3 42.fxg3−⁠+)
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