Saturday, 20 February 2016

Slow And Steady Wins The Race.

Mohanty, Om Prakash - Aleemuddin, Mohammed

Result: 1-0
Date: 2015.12.23
B80: Sicilian Scheveningen: 6 g3 and 6 Be3, including English Attack
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥e3 e6 7.f3 b5 8.£d2 ¥b7 9.a3
9.¥d3 ¤bd7 10.O-O ¥e7 11.b4 ¦c8 12.¦fb1 £c7 13.¤de2 O-O 14.a4 bxa4 15.¦xa4 ¤b6 16.¦aa1 d5 17.b5 a5 18.exd5 ¥b4 19.dxe6 ¤c4 20.¥xc4 £xc4 21.¥d4 ¦fd8 22.exf7 ¢xf7 23.¦a4 ¦xd4 Pessoa,F (2407)-Schulze,M (2336) IECG email 2006 1/2-1/2 (32)
9.¥e2 ¤c6 10.a4 ¤xd4 11.¥xd4 e5 12.¥f2 b4 13.¤d5 ¤xd5 14.exd5 £a5 15.¥c4 ¥e7 16.O-O O-O 17.¦ae1 ¦ae8 18.f4 ¥f6 19.f5 ¥c8 20.¥e3 g6 21.¦f2 gxf5 22.¥h6 £c5 23.b3 f4 Sabbatini,G (1967)-Petruzzelli,R (2038) ICCF email 2011 1/2-1/2 (67)
9...¤bd7 10.O-O-O
10.¥e2 d5 11.exd5 ¤xd5 12.¤xd5 ¥xd5 13.O-O ¥d6 14.¤f5 ¥e5 15.¤d4 O-O 16.¦ad1 ¤f6 17.b3 ¦c8 18.¦c1 £d6 19.c4 ¥xh2 20.¢h1 bxc4 21.bxc4 ¥a8 22.c5 £g3 23.¥f2 £e5 24.¥e3 £h5 Cobb,C-Suc,T IECC email 2000 0-1
10...¥e7 11.g4 ¤b6 12.¢b1 O-O (12...¦c8 13.h4) 13.h4 ¤fd7 14.g5 White gets more space 14...¤e5 15.£e1 ¤ec4 16.¥c1 £c7 17.b3 ¤e5 18.¥b2 ¤c6 19.¤xc6 ¥xc6 20.h5 ¥xg5 21.£g3 ¥h6 22.¦g1 (22.£xd6?!22...£xd6 23.¦xd6 ¦ac8) (22.¦xd6 is much worse 22...¤c8 23.e5 ¤xd6 24.exd6 £a7µ) 22...f6 23.£xd6 (Not 23.¦xd6 ¤c8 24.¦xe6 £xg3 25.¦xg3 ¥d7) 23...£xd6 24.¦xd6 ¥e3 25.¥h3!! (25.¦xc6?!25...¥xg1 26.¥h3 e5) 25...¥xg1 26.¥xe6 ¢h8 27.¦xc6 ¦ab8 28.h6 ¥h2 29.hxg7 ¢xg7 30.¤e2 ¤a8 31.¥g4 (31.¦xa6?!31...¤c7 32.¦a7 ¦a8 33.¦xa8 ¦xa8) 31...¦b6 32.¦c5 ¥d6 33.¦g5 ¢h8 34.¦h5 ¦b7 35.¤d4 ¤c7 36.¤f5 White threatens to win material: Nf5xd6 (36.¥f5 ¤e8 37.f4 ¦e7±) 36...¥e5 37.¤e7 ¥xb2 38.¤g6 ¢g7 39.¤xf8 ¥xa3 40.¤d7 ¥b4 41.¥f5 h6 42.¦h2 ¥c3 43.¦g2 ¢f7 44.e5 ¥xe5 45.¥g6 ¢e7 46.¥e4 ¢xd7 47.¥xb7 ¢e6 48.¦g6 ¥f4 49.¦g4 ¢f5 50.¥c8 ¢e5 51.b4 f5 52.¦g8 ¥d2 53.¦f8 f4 (53...¥xb4!?54.¦xf5 ¢d4±) 54.¦f7+⁠−54...¤d5 55.¢b2 ¤xb4 (55...¥xb4 56.¦f5 ¢d4 57.¥b7+⁠−) 56.¦e7+⁠−56...¢d4 57.¦e2 ¥c3 58.¢b3 ¤d5 59.¥xa6 ¢c5?? Black prepares the advance b4. a blunder in a bad position (59...b4 60.¦e4 ¢c5+⁠−) 60.¥b7 b4
60...¥g7 doesn't change the outcome of the game 61.¦e6 ¤e3 62.c3+⁠−
61.¥xd5 ¢xd5 62.¦e4 ¥d2 63.¦e7 ¥c3 64.¦f7 ¢d4 (64...¢e6 no good, but what else? 65.¦h7 ¥d2+⁠−) 65.¦xf4 ¢e3 (65...¢e5 66.¦h4 ¥d2+⁠−) 66.¦h4 ¢xf3 67.¦xh6
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When You Want To Attack, Just DELAY Castling!!

Das, Saurabh - Mohanty, Om Prakash

Result: 0-1
Date: 2015.10.02
B95: Sicilian Najdorf: 6 Bg5 e6, unusual White 7th moves
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥g5 e6 7.¥e2 ¥e7 8.O-O ¤bd7 9.£d3 h6 10.¥c1
10.¥d2 O-O 11.£g3 ¢h8 12.¦ad1 ¤c5 13.£e3 ¥d7 1/2-1/2 (13) Kolanek,R (2194)-Pilarska,L (2114) ICCF email 2011
10...¤e5 Black threatens to win material: Ne5xd3
10...¤c5 11.£f3 ¥d7 12.a4 £c7 13.b4 e5 14.¤f5 ¥xf5 15.exf5 ¤cd7 16.¦d1 O-O 17.¥d2 ¦ac8 18.£g3 ¦fe8 19.b5 a5 20.b6 £c5 21.¦ab1 ¥f8 22.¦b5 £c6 23.¦xa5 d5 24.¥b5 £c5 25.¥xd7 Franks,K (2405)-Ottesen, S (2423) ICCF email 2008 1/2-1/2 (40)
10...O-O 11.£g3 ¢h8 12.¥e3 ¤c5 13.¥f3 £c7 14.¦fd1 ¦g8 15.a4 e5 16.¤de2 b6 17.¤c1 ¥b7 18.¤d5 ¥xd5 19.exd5 b5 20.¥xc5 £xc5 21.c3 a5 22.¤d3 £b6 23.¦e1 ¦gc8 24.¥d1 b4 25.cxb4 Krutous, A (2243)-Wurschner,M (2401) ICCF email 2008 0-1 (51)
10...£c7 11.a4 ¤e5 12.£h3 ¥d7 13.¦d1 O-O 14.£g3 ¤g6 15.a5 ¦ac8 16.¥d3 d5 17.£xc7 ¦xc7 18.exd5 exd5 19.¤a4 ¥xa4 20.¦xa4 ¤e5 21.¥e2 ¦e8 22.c3 ¦c5 23.¤b3 ¦c6 24.¢f1 ¤c4 25.¦d4 Sukhov,N (2370)-Epiney,F (2275) IECG email 2006 1/2-1/2 (47)
11.£g3 g5 12.a4 ¥d7 Black has a cramped position 13.¦a3 g4 14.f4 gxf3 15.¤xf3 (15.gxf3??15...¦g8 16.£xg8 ¤xg8−⁠+) 15...¦g8 Black threatens to win material: Rg8xg3 16.£f4 White threatens to win material: Qf4xh6 16...¤g6 17.£xh6 ¦h8 Black threatens to win material: Rh8xh6 18.£d2 d5 19.exd5 ¥c5 20.¢h1 £c7 21.h3 Secures g4 21...¥xa3 22.bxa3 White has new hanging pawns: c2+d5 22...¤h5 23.¦e1 O-O-O 24.£d4 (24.d6!?24...£c6 25.¤g5 ¤g3 26.¢h2) 24...e5³ Black threatens to win material: e5xd4 25.£c4 f6 Controls g5 26.£xc7 ¢xc7 27.¥f1 White has an active position 27...¤g3 28.¢h2 ¤xf1 29.¦xf1 f5 30.¥d2 ¦c8 31.¦b1 ¢b8 Black king safety improved 32.¦b4 ¦hg8 33.a5 ¦c5 34.¦b3 ¦gc8 35.¦b6 e4 36.¤d4 e3 37.¥e1 ¦g8 38.¤de2 f4 39.¦f6 ¦c4 40.¢h1
40.¢g1 ¤e5 41.¢h2 ¥xh3 42.¦xf4 ¦xf4 (42...¥xg2?!43.¥g3 ¥xd5 44.¦xc4 ¥xc4 45.¥xe5 ¢c8 46.¥f4) 43.¤xf4 ¥f5µ
40...¢c8 41.¢h2 ¢d8 42.¤g1 ¤e5 43.¤ce2 ¦xc2 44.¤xf4 ¢c8 45.¥g3 ¦d2 46.¦h6 (46.¦b6 ¥b5µ) 46...¦d1 47.¤ge2 (47.¦h5 ¤c4 48.¥h4 ¤xa3−⁠+) 47...¥g4! takes home the point 48.¦f6 (48.hxg4 ¤xg4 49.¢h3 ¦h1 Deflection) 48...¦h8−⁠+ (48...¦h8 49.¤c3 ¦d2−⁠+)
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Fortune Favors The Brave!!

When you blunder a move you most of the time get a second chance and if u are bold enough to play it then you may be rewarded with a win.

Gupta, Aniruddha Dutta - Mohanty, Om Prakash

Result: 0-1
Date: 2015.05.26
B06: Modern Defence
[...] 1.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.¤c3 ¥g7 4.¥e3 ¤d7 5.¤f3 a6 6.£d2 b5 7.¥d3 ¥b7 8.a4
8.O-O c5 9.dxc5 ¤xc5 10.b4 ¤d7 11.a4 bxa4 12.¦xa4 ¤gf6 13.¥h6 O-O 14.¥xg7 ¢xg7 15.¦a5 £c7 16.¦fa1 ¦fc8 17.¦1a3 ¤b6 18.£e3 ¤c4 19.¥xc4 £xc4 20.¦5a4 ¤xe4 21.b5 £xc3 22.¦xc3 ¤xc3 Emelyanov,M (2411) -Kroll,O (2346) ICCF email 2005 1/2-1/2
8...¤gf6 9.d5 b4 10.¤e2 ¥c8??
10...a5 11.¤fd4 O-O 12.f3 ¤e5 13.¥b5 e6 14.¤c6 ¥xc6 15.dxc6 d5 16.¥d4 ¤c4 17.£d3 e5 18.¥c5 ¤d6 19.exd5 ¦e8 20.¦d1 e4 21.£b3 exf3 22.£xf3 ¤fe4 23.¥xd6 ¤xd6 24.¥d3 ¥xb2 25.O-O Goodwin,B (2021)-Josefsson,K (2227) ICCF email 2011 0-1 (54)
(10...c5!? should not be overlooked) 11.¤ed4? (11.£xb4!11...¦b8 12.£a3 O-O±) 11...O-O Black has a cramped position 12.O-O c5 13.dxc6 ¤c5 Black threatens to win material: Nc5xe4 14.£xb4 ¤fxe4 15.a5 £e8 Black has a cramped position 16.£b6 (16.¥xe4 ¤xe4 17.c7 ¤f6²) 16...¤xd3²17.cxd3 ¤f6 18.¥g5 ¤d5 Black threatens to win material: Nd5xb6 19.£b3 ¤c7 20.¦fe1 White threatens to win material: Re1xe7 20...e5 Black threatens to win material: e5xd4 21.¦ac1 ¢h8 22.¥d2 f6 Controls g5 23.h3 Consolidates g4 23...¦f7 24.¥b4 ¦b8 25.£a3 d5 26.¥c5 £g8 27.¤c2 ¥e6 28.¤b4 g5 29.d4 White threatens to win material: d4xe5 29...e4 Black threatens to win material: e4xf3 30.¤d2 g4 31.h4 f5 (31...¥f8 32.¥xf8 £xf8 33.¤c2) 32.¥b6 ¦c8 33.¥xc7 ¦fxc7 34.£c3 (34.¤xa6 ¦xc6 35.¦xc6 ¦xc6) 34...f4 35.¤b3?? gives the opponent counterplay (35.¤f1 is the best option White has) 35...g3!!−⁠+36.fxg3??36...¥f8 37.¤c5 ¦g7 38.¤xe6?? White crumbles in face of a dire situation (38.¤xe4 dxe4 39.d5 ¥xb4 40.£xb4 ¥xd5 41.£d4 ¥xc6 42.gxf4−⁠+) 38...£xe6−⁠+39.¤xd5 £xd5 40.gxf4 (40.£c2 cannot change destiny 40...e3 41.¦f1 ¥d6−⁠+) 40...¥d6 41.£e3 ¦cg8 42.¦c2 £h5 43.¦f1 ¦g4 44.c7 (44.£xe4 ¦e8 45.c7 ¦xe4 46.c8=£ ¦e8−⁠+) 44...¥xc7! Deflection: g2. . 45.£xe4 (45.¦xc7 ¦xg2 Mate attack Deflection) 45...¥b8 46.£e7 £h6 47.h5
47.£e4 cannot undo what has already been done 47...¦xh4 48.¦c6 ¦h1 49.¢f2 £h4 50.¢e2 £g4 51.£f3 ¦e8 52.¢d2 ¥xf4 53.¢c3 £d7 54.¦xh1 ¦e3 55.£xe3 £xc6 56.¢d3 ¥xe3 57.¢xe3 £xg2−⁠+
47...¥d6 48.£e3
48.£e2 doesn't get the bull off the ice 48...¥xf4 49.¦f3 ¦h4 50.¦xf4 £xf4 51.£e5 £xe5 52.dxe5 ¦xh5−⁠+
48...¥xf4 49.¦xf4 £xf4 50.£xf4
50.£e5 doesn't change anything anymore 50...£xe5 51.dxe5 ¦8g5−⁠+
50...¦xf4 51.¦c4 (51.¦c6 hardly improves anything 51...¦xd4 52.¢f2 ¦a8−⁠+) 51...¦fg4 52.¢f2
52.¦c2 doesn't get the cat off the tree 52...¦xd4 53.¢f2 ¦d5−⁠+
52...¦xg2 53.¢f3
53.¢e3 ¦xb2 54.¦c6 ¦b3 55.¢e4 ¦g4 56.¢e5 ¦b5 57.d5 ¦g5 58.¢e4 ¦bxd5 59.¦c8 ¢g7−⁠+
53...¦xb2 54.¦c6 ¦e8 55.¦xa6 (55.¢g4 ¦f2 56.¢g3−⁠+) 55...¦b3 56.¢f4 ¦b1 57.¦d6 (57.¢g3 ¦f1 58.¢h2−⁠+) 57...¦f1 58.¢g5 ¦g8 59.¢h6 ¦h1 60.a6 ¦g6! a fitting end to a beautiful game 61.¦xg6 hxg6 62.¢xg6
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