Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Old is Gold

Since the beginning of my knowledge of chess, I have been playing King's Gambit. It is the first opening that I saw in a magazine where a game was published between Mc Donnell and Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais where the former beat the latter convincingly with a positional attack on the king. That game and a game of Morphy impacted on me so much I decided to play chess. Now I being active only in correspondence chess, I never miss a chance to play King's Gambit whenever I get a chance. Here is one game played A La Morphy style!!.

Prakash, Om - Salonen, Jukka

Result: 1-0
Site: Lechenicher SchachServer
Date: 2013.12.05
C3: King's Gambit Accepted: 3 Nc3 and 3 Bc4
[...] 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.¥c4 c6 4.¤c3 d5 5.exd5 ¤f6 6.d4 cxd5 7.¥b5 ¤c6 8.¥xf4 ¥d6 9.¤ge2 O-O 10.O-O ¥xf4
10...¥g4 11.£d2 ¦e8 12.¥g5 ¥e7 13.¦ae1 a6 14.¥xc6 bxc6 15.h3 ¥xe2 16.¦xe2 ¦b8 17.¦fe1 £d7 18.£d3 h6 19.¥xf6 1-0 (19) Ryan,P (2158)-Desboeufs,A (2159) ICCF email 2008
10...a6 11.¥a4 ¥g4 12.£d3 ¦e8 13.¦ae1 ¥xe2 14.¤xe2 ¥xf4 15.¤xf4 ¦xe1 16.¦xe1 £a5 0-1 (16) Law,S-Mamutov,S ICCF email 2010
11.¤xf4 ¤e4
11...a6 12.¥d3 £b6 13.¤cxd5 £xd4 14.¢h1 ¤xd5 15.¤xd5 £xb2 16.c3 1-0 (16) Kruglov,V-Dzidziguri,A corr 1990
12.¤fxd5 ¤xc3 13.¤xc3 £xd4 14.£xd4 ¤xd4 15.¥d3 ¥e6 1/2-1/2 (15) Solodsky, M-Stydnev corr 1990
11...¥g4 12.£d2 ¥xe2 13.¥xe2 ¦e8 14.¦af1 £b6 Black threatens to win material: Qb6xb2 15.¢h1 ¦ad8 16.g4 ¦e7
Instead of 16...£xb2 17.¥d3 ¤e4 18.¤xe4
18.¥xe4?18...dxe4 19.¤xe4 £xd4µ (19...¦xd4?!20.£f2 £b6 21.¦xf7)
18...dxe4 19.¥c4±
17.g5 ¤e4 18.¤xe4 dxe4 Now all is on d4 19.c3 White has a new protected passed pawn: d4 19...e3 Black threatens to win material: e3xd2 20.£c2 g6 Black has a new backward pawn: f7 21.¥c4 ¦dd7 22.£e2 ¤a5 23.¥d3 £e6 24.b4 £c6 25.¦1f3 £xc3 26.bxa5 ¦xd4 27.¦xd4 £xd4 28.a6 b6 (28...bxa6 29.¥xa6 £a1 30.£f1²) 29.£f1±29...£e5 30.¥e2 £xg5 31.¥c4 b5 32.¥xb5
32.¥xf7?!32...¦xf7 33.¦xf7 e2 34.¦f8 ¢g7 35.¦f7 ¢g8 36.¦f8 ¢g7 37.£xe2 ¢xf8 38.£f2 £f5 39.£xa7 £f1 40.£g1 £f3 41.£g2 £d1 42.£g1 £f3 43.£g2 £d1 44.£g1 £f3
32...£e5 33.¥e2 ¢g7 34.a4 ¦c7 35.£g1 ¦c3 36.£d1 £e4 37.¢g1 £g4 38.¦g3 White threatens to win material: Rg3xg4 38...£f4 White king safety dropped 39.£a1 White threatens to win material: Qa1xc3 39...£f2 (39...£e5!?² looks like a viable alternative) 40.¢h1±40...£f6 41.£b2 £e5 42.¦g4 £f6 (42...¢g8 43.£b5 £e6 44.¦f4+⁠−) 43.h4 h6 44.h5 g5 45.¦g3 £e5 46.¦f3 ¢g8 47.¦f1 £e6 48.¢g1
48.£xc3?!48...£h3 49.¢g1 £g3 50.¢h1 £h3 51.¢g1 £g3 52.¢h1 £h3
48...£e5 49.£b7 ¦c7 50.£f3 ¦e7 51.¢g2 ¢g7 52.¦d1 £b2 53.¦d3 £b6 54.¦d5 ¦e6 55.a5 £c7? (55...£b4+⁠−) 56.£g4 £c3 57.£d4 £xd4 58.¦xd4 ¦f6 59.¢g3 ¦f2 60.¥c4 ¦d2 61.¦e4 ¦c2 62.¥d3 ¦c6 (62...¦d2 hoping against hope 63.¦xe3 ¢f6+⁠−) 63.¦e7 ¦e6 (63...e2 64.¥xe2 ¦c3 65.¢f2 ¦h3 66.¦xa7 ¦h2 67.¢e3 ¦h4+⁠−) 64.¦xe6 fxe6 65.¢f3 ¢f6 66.¢e4 g4 67.¢f4 g3 68.¢xg3
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