Kalapi B. Trivedi - Om Prakash
Result: 0-1
Date: 2014.08.17
E7: King's Indian: Classical Main Line (6...e5 7 0-0 Nc6): 8 Be3 and 8 d5 Ne7, not Ne1 [...] 1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.¤c3 ¥g7 4.e4 d6 5.¥e2 O-O 6.¤f3 e5 7.O-O ¤c6 8.d5 ¤e7 9.b4 The Bayonet Attack 9...¤e8!?10.c5 f5 11.¤d2 ¤f6 12.f3 f4 13.¤c4 g5 14.a4 ¤g6 15.¥a3 ¦f7 16.cxd6!?16...cxd6 17.b5 ¥f8 Typical Kings Indian plan to protect d6 and shifting rook to h7 or g7 for attack. 18.b6
18.¥b4 ¦g7 19.¦a2 g4 20.fxg4 ¤h4 21.£d3 ¤xg4 22.¥f3 £g5 23.¥xg4 ¥xg4 24.¥xd6 ¥xd6 25.¤xd6 ¦d8 26.¤c4 ¢h8 27.g3 ¦dg8 28.¦af2 £h5 29.a5 fxg3 30.hxg3 ¦g6 31.¤d2 £h6 32.¦h2 ¥d1 Deforel,J (2305)-Polezhaev,A (2307) ICCF email 2010 0-1 (41)
18...a6 19.¢h1 An interesting plan to counter blacks attack coming up.
19.¦c1 h5 20.£e1 g4 21.¢h1 ¦g7 22.¦g1 g3 23.a5 ¤xd5 24.h3 £h4 25.¥f1 ¤f6 26.¤d1 ¥e6 27.¤xd6 ¤g4 28.¦c2 ¥xd6 29.¥xd6 ¤h2 30.¤f2 gxf2 31.¦xf2 ¤xf1 32.£xf1 ¦c8 33.¥c7 ¢h7 Braziulis,V (2333) -Eriksson,R (2273) ICCF email 2009 0-1 (41)
19.a5 h5 20.¦c1 g4 21.¦c2 g3 22.£e1 ¦g7 23.¥d3 h4 24.h3 ¤h7 25.¢h1 ¤g5 26.£d2 ¥xh3 27.gxh3 ¤xh3 28.¥e2 ¤g5 29.£d3 h3 30.¦g1 ¤h4 31.¥d1 ¦c8 32.¤e3 ¤gxf3 33.¥xf3 ¤xf3 Rozenberg,D-Barrios Troncoso, J Finland 2002 0-1 (35)
19.¦a2 h5 20.¢h1 g4 21.¦c2 g3 22.£e1 h4 23.h3 ¤h7 24.¤d1 ¤g5 25.¤f2 gxf2 26.£xf2 ¥d7 27.¤xd6 ¦f6 28.¤xb7 £xb6 29.£xb6 ¦xb6 30.¤c5 ¥e8 31.a5 ¦bb8 32.¤xa6 ¥xa3 33.¤xb8 ¦xb8 Debevec,B (2128) -Sukhorukov,A (2246) ICCF email 2006 1/2-1/2 (51)
19...h5 Black intends g4 20.¦g1 (20.£e1!?² has some apparent merit) 20...g4 The thematic attack 21.£e1 ¦g7 22.¥c1 ¤h4!! Black prepares the advance g3. 23.¤b1? (23.¥d1 is a viable option)
23.£xh4??23...¤xe4!! Bolt from the blue!! 24.g3 £xh4 25.gxh4 ¤xc3 26.¥d3 gxf3 27.¥b2 ¤xd5−+
23...g3−+24.¤bd2 ¤g4!! This typical human move needs more exclamation marks. Its so lethal that it concluded the game at once.
24...¤g4 25.fxg4 hxg4−+26.¤e3 £g5!27.¦a3 fxe3 28.¦f1 (28.hxg3??28...¦h7 29.¥xg4 £xg4 30.gxh4 ¦xh4 31.£xh4 £xh4#)
28.¤c4 ¤f5 29.exf5 £h4 30.h3 ¥xf5 31.¥xg4 ¥xg4 32.£xe3 ¥f5 33.£h6 £xc4 34.¦f3 ¦g6−+
28...exd2 29.£xd2 ¤f3!!30.£xg5 ¤xg5 31.¥xg5 ¦xg5 32.¦xg3 ¥e7 And black is piece up with easy win. Powered by Aquarium
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