Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Indians Rule Everywhere!

If there is any opening apart from King's Gambit that I like is King's Indian Defense. Interestingly both have one thing common. Both involves king side attack. This game shows why King's Indian Defense is lethal even in correspondence chess. One of the most important things of the opening is that chess programs have no idea about it. Specially the attacking pawn advances. This makes the opening prone to making errors. Now a days Bayonet attack is played by white and the only reason is that chess programs understand the attack. Human intervention in this opening becomes a paramount demand if you want to win.

Kalapi B. Trivedi - Om Prakash

Result: 0-1
Date: 2014.08.17
E7: King's Indian: Classical Main Line (6...e5 7 0-0 Nc6): 8 Be3 and 8 d5 Ne7, not Ne1
[...] 1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.¤c3 ¥g7 4.e4 d6 5.¥e2 O-O 6.¤f3 e5 7.O-O ¤c6 8.d5 ¤e7 9.b4 The Bayonet Attack 9...¤e8!?10.c5 f5 11.¤d2 ¤f6 12.f3 f4 13.¤c4 g5 14.a4 ¤g6 15.¥a3 ¦f7 16.cxd6!?16...cxd6 17.b5 ¥f8 Typical Kings Indian plan to protect d6 and shifting rook to h7 or g7 for attack. 18.b6
18.¥b4 ¦g7 19.¦a2 g4 20.fxg4 ¤h4 21.£d3 ¤xg4 22.¥f3 £g5 23.¥xg4 ¥xg4 24.¥xd6 ¥xd6 25.¤xd6 ¦d8 26.¤c4 ¢h8 27.g3 ¦dg8 28.¦af2 £h5 29.a5 fxg3 30.hxg3 ¦g6 31.¤d2 £h6 32.¦h2 ¥d1 Deforel,J (2305)-Polezhaev,A (2307) ICCF email 2010 0-1 (41)
18...a6 19.¢h1 An interesting plan to counter blacks attack coming up.
19.¦c1 h5 20.£e1 g4 21.¢h1 ¦g7 22.¦g1 g3 23.a5 ¤xd5 24.h3 £h4 25.¥f1 ¤f6 26.¤d1 ¥e6 27.¤xd6 ¤g4 28.¦c2 ¥xd6 29.¥xd6 ¤h2 30.¤f2 gxf2 31.¦xf2 ¤xf1 32.£xf1 ¦c8 33.¥c7 ¢h7 Braziulis,V (2333) -Eriksson,R (2273) ICCF email 2009 0-1 (41)
19.a5 h5 20.¦c1 g4 21.¦c2 g3 22.£e1 ¦g7 23.¥d3 h4 24.h3 ¤h7 25.¢h1 ¤g5 26.£d2 ¥xh3 27.gxh3 ¤xh3 28.¥e2 ¤g5 29.£d3 h3 30.¦g1 ¤h4 31.¥d1 ¦c8 32.¤e3 ¤gxf3 33.¥xf3 ¤xf3 Rozenberg,D-Barrios Troncoso, J Finland 2002 0-1 (35)
19.¦a2 h5 20.¢h1 g4 21.¦c2 g3 22.£e1 h4 23.h3 ¤h7 24.¤d1 ¤g5 25.¤f2 gxf2 26.£xf2 ¥d7 27.¤xd6 ¦f6 28.¤xb7 £xb6 29.£xb6 ¦xb6 30.¤c5 ¥e8 31.a5 ¦bb8 32.¤xa6 ¥xa3 33.¤xb8 ¦xb8 Debevec,B (2128) -Sukhorukov,A (2246) ICCF email 2006 1/2-1/2 (51)
19...h5 Black intends g4 20.¦g1 (20.£e1!?² has some apparent merit) 20...g4 The thematic attack 21.£e1 ¦g7 22.¥c1 ¤h4!! Black prepares the advance g3. 23.¤b1? (23.¥d1 is a viable option)
23.£xh4??23...¤xe4!! Bolt from the blue!! 24.g3 £xh4 25.gxh4 ¤xc3 26.¥d3 gxf3 27.¥b2 ¤xd5−⁠+
23...g3−⁠+24.¤bd2 ¤g4!! This typical human move needs more exclamation marks. Its so lethal that it concluded the game at once.
24...¤g4 25.fxg4 hxg4−⁠+26.¤e3 £g5!27.¦a3 fxe3 28.¦f1 (28.hxg3??28...¦h7 29.¥xg4 £xg4 30.gxh4 ¦xh4 31.£xh4 £xh4#)
28.¤c4 ¤f5 29.exf5 £h4 30.h3 ¥xf5 31.¥xg4 ¥xg4 32.£xe3 ¥f5 33.£h6 £xc4 34.¦f3 ¦g6−⁠+
28...exd2 29.£xd2 ¤f3!!30.£xg5 ¤xg5 31.¥xg5 ¦xg5 32.¦xg3 ¥e7 And black is piece up with easy win.
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