Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Beating The French!

If one studies a game database, then one will find that french defense is the opening that has minimum loses as black astonishingly. It is a solid and sturdy opening which is hard to beat as white. But if white manages to deviate black from general french plans and pawn structures, most of the time white manages to win. Here is one example where I choose French Wings Gambit to play just not to allow to play the regular french.

Prakash, Om - Hansen, Marco

Result: 1-0
Site: Lechenicher SchachServer
Date: 2013.12.04
C00: French: Unusual White 2nd moves
[...] 1.e4 e6 2.¤f3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4 French Wings Gambit 4...cxb4 5.a3 ¤h6 6.axb4 ¥xb4 7.c3 ¥e7 8.d4 ¤f5 9.¥d3
9.¤a3 ¥d7 10.¥d3 ¤c6 11.g4 ¤h4 12.¤xh4 ¥xa3 13.¥xa3 £xh4 14.¦b1 b6 15.¥b5 f5 16.£a4 ¦c8 17.¥xc6 ¦xc6 18.£xa7 £xg4 19.£b8 ¢f7 20.£xh8 £e4 21.¢d2 £f4 22.¢c2 ¦c8 23.£xc8 ¥xc8 Baker,C-Harding,T England 1986 1/2-1/2
9.g4 ¤h4 10.¤xh4 ¥xh4 11.¥d3 ¤c6
11...¥e7 12.O-O ¥d7 13.f4 ¤c6 14.¤a3 a6 15.¤c2 ¤a7 16.£f3 ¦c8 17.¥d2 O-O 18.£h3 h6 19.g5 ¥b5 20.gxh6 g6 21.¤e1 ¢h8 22.£g3 ¥xd3 23.£xd3 £c7 24.¤f3 £c4 25.£e3 ¤b5 26.¦fb1 Mueller,A-Dressel,R (2209) ICCF email 2006 1/2-1/2 (39)
12.O-O O-O 13.f4 £b6 14.g5 ¤xd4 15.¥e3 £b2 16.¥xd4 £xa1 17.£h5 g6 18.£xh4 £b2 19.¦f3 £c1 20.¢g2 £b2 21.¥f2 1-0 (21) Mueller,A (1880)-Suarez,R (1752) IECG email 2007
9...O-O!? (9...a6!?10.O-O ¤c6 11.¤bd2 a5 12.¦e1) (9...¤c6 10.g4 ¤h4 11.¤xh4 ¥xh4 12.O-O ¥d7 13.f4²) 10.h4!10...h5?? (10...h6 11.¦g1 a5 12.g4 ¤xh4 13.¤xh4 ¥xh4 14.g5²) 11.¤g5!11...g6 Only move12.g4!12...¤xh4 Only move13.¦xh4!! Taking the initiative with a brilliant exchange sacrifice.
Another great Idea was 13.¤f3!13...¤xf3 14.£xf3 f5 15.exf6 ¥xf6 16.£e3!16...e5 17.£h6 e4 18.£xg6 ¥g7 19.¥e2± But I was not convinced even if I had advanatge. hence I had to force the situation with Rxh4!!.
13...¥xg5 14.¦h1!? A prophylactic move. 14...¢g7?? (14...h4!?15.f4 ¥e7 16.£c2 ¢g7 17.f5+⁠−) 15.gxh5 ¦h8 16.¤d2 ¤c6 17.£g4 ¢f8 18.£f3 f5?? (18...gxh5 19.¥g6 f5 20.¥a3 ¢g7 21.¥xh5+⁠−)
18...¦xh5?19.¦xh5 gxh5 20.¥g6!20...£d7 21.¥a3 ¢e8 22.£xh5 £d8 (22...fxg6??23.£h8 ¢f7 24.£f8#) 23.¥xf7 ¢d7 24.£g4 ¥e7 25.£xe6 ¢c7 26.£xd5 £xd5 27.¥xd5 ¥xa3 28.¦xa3 ¤e7 29.¥f3+⁠−
19.¢e2 ¤e7??
19...¦h6 20.hxg6 ¢g7 (20...¦xg6??21.¥a3 ¢g7 22.¦ag1+⁠−) 21.¦xh6 ¥xh6+⁠−
20.£g3 ¥xd2
20...¥h6 does not win a prize 21.hxg6 £e8 22.¤f3 £xg6 23.£xg6 ¤xg6 24.¥xh6 ¢f7 25.¦ag1+⁠−
21.¢xd2 ¢f7 (21...g5 is not the saving move 22.£xg5 ¢e8 23.¥a3+⁠−) 22.¥a3 g5 (22...gxh5 praying for a miracle 23.¥e2 f4 24.£xf4 ¢e8+⁠−) 23.£xg5 £f8 24.£f6 ¢e8 25.¥xe7 £h6 26.£xh6 ¦xh6 27.¥f6 ¢d7 28.¦hg1 ¢c6 29.¦a5 a6 30.¥d8 b6 31.¥b5! Deflection: a6
31.¥b5 ¢b7 32.¦g7 ¥d7 33.¥xd7 bxa5 34.¥xe6 ¢c6 35.¦c7 ¢b5 36.¦b7 ¢a4 37.¥d7 ¢a3 38.¥e7 ¢a2 39.¢c2 ¦b8 40.¦xb8 a4 41.¥xa4 f4 42.¦b2 ¢a1 43.¦b1 ¢a2 44.¥b3#
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