Wednesday, 1 October 2014

"h" For Hinderance

The h pawn in chess is mostly used as an attacking plan against all fianchhetto defenses. Hence h for hinderance as it hinders blacks counterplay and enHances whites attacking play. Here is one example of it played by me at the suitable moment

Mohanty, Om Prakash - Saxena, Vaibhav

Result: 1-0
Date: 2014.01.14
B33: Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variations
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 e5 6.¤db5 d6 7.¥g5 a6 8.¤a3 b5 9.¤d5 ¥e7 10.¥xf6 ¥xf6 11.c3 O-O 12.¤c2 ¦b8 13.h4 a5 Black prepares b4 14.g3 b4
14...g6 15.¤ce3 ¥g7 16.h5 ¥e6 17.a4 b4 18.¥c4 bxc3 19.bxc3 ¤e7 20.¢f1 ¤xd5 21.¥xd5 £d7 22.¢g2 ¦fc8 23.£d3 ¦c5 24.¦ab1 ¦bc8 25.c4 ¥f6 26.¦b7 £e8 27.hxg6 hxg6 28.£d1 ¦b8 29.¦a7 Shabalov,A (2615)-Kharlov,A (2560)/ Woburn 1998/EXT 2004/1-0 (35)
15.¤ce3 g6 Prevents intrusion on f5
15...bxc3 16.bxc3 ¥e6 17.¥c4 ¥xd5 18.¤xd5 ¢h8 19.¢f1 ¥e7 20.¤e3 £b6 21.¢g2 £c5 22.£d3 g6 23.¦ab1 f5 24.¦xb8 ¤xb8 25.h5 ¢g7 26.hxg6 hxg6 27.exf5 ¥g5 28.fxg6 ¥h6 29.¥f7 1-0 Rojicek,V (2375)-Krupa,M (2215)/Marianske Lazne 2009
15...¥e6 16.¥h3 ¢h8 17.£d3 £c8 18.¥g2 ¥d8 19.¤c4 ¤e7 20.¤xe7 ¥xe7 21.¤e3 bxc3 22.bxc3 £c5 23.O-O ¦fc8 24.¦fc1 g6 25.¦c2 ¢g7 26.¢h2 ¦b6 27.¥h3 ¥c4 28.£d2 ¦cb8 29.¥f1 ¥e6 30.¥h3 Simon,N (2110)-Toth,J (2090)/Hungary 1998/ EXT 2002/1/2-1/2 (32)
16.£a4 ¥b7 17.¥d3 bxc3 18.bxc3 ¥g7 19.h5 ¤e7 20.h6 ¥h8 21.£xa5 ¤xd5 (21...£xa5 22.¤xe7#) 22.¤xd5 ¥xd5 23.£xd5 Opposite coloured bishops which tends to favour the attacker (White in this case) in middle game 23...¦c8 24.¥c4 ¦c5 25.£d3 £c7 26.¥b3 ¦xc3 27.£d2 ¥f6 28.O-O ¦c8 29.¢g2 £e7? (29...£d7!?² may be a more viable option) 30.¦fc1+⁠−30...¦3c5 31.¦xc5 dxc5 (Or : 31...¦xc5 32.a4 ¥g5 33.£b4+⁠−) 32.£c3 ¥g5 33.a4 ¥xh6 34.a5 ¦a8 35.¥d5 ¦a7 36.¦b1 ¥f8 37.¦b6 c4 38.a6 ¢g7 39.£xc4 £c5 40.£b3 £a3 41.£b5 £c5 42.£b2 ¥d6 43.¥b7 h5 44.¦c6 £b4 45.£xb4 ¥xb4 46.f4 exf4 47.gxf4
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Play Sicilian King's Indian Style!!

Gupta, Vibhor - Mohanty, Om Prakash

Result: 0-1
Date: 2014.03.23
B92: Sicilian Najdorf: Be2
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥e2 e5 7.¤b3 ¥e6 8.O-O ¥e7 9.£d3 O-O 10.¤d5 ¥xd5 11.exd5 ¤bd7 12.¥d2 £c7 13.c4 a5 14.¥e3 ¤e8 15.a4 f5 16.£c2 g6 17.¦ac1 b6 18.¥d3 ( Latest theory starts with : 18.¥h6) 18...£d8 19.¦ce1 ¤c7 The knight hops through squares Ne8-c7-a6-b4. Interesting ! 20.g4 ¤a6
20...fxg4? doesn't work because of 21.¥xg6 Decoy: g6 21...¤f6 22.¥h6+⁠−
21.¥d2 e4 (Worse is 21...fxg4 22.¥xg6 ¢h8 23.¥xh7²) 22.¥e2 ¤b4 23.£c3 f4 24.¥d1 ¥f6 25.£h3 ¦e8 26.¥xf4 ¤d3 (Weaker is 26...¥xb2 27.¥xd6 ¤d3 28.¦e2²) 27.¥xd6 ¤xe1 (Less advisable is 27...¤xb2 28.£g2 ¤xc4 29.¥f4²) (Not : 27...¥xb2 28.¦e2±) 28.¦xe1 ¥xb2 Black wins the exchange 29.£e3 (A better option maybe : 29.¥f4 £f6 30.£e3) 29...¤e5 30.¥xe5 ¥xe5 31.h3 £h4 32.¦f1 ¦f8 33.¢g2 ¦ae8 34.¤d4 ¥xd4 35.£xd4 £f6 36.£xf6 ¦xf6 37.g5 ¦f5 38.¥g4 ¦xg5 39.¢g3 ¦ge5 40.¥e6 (40.¦b1 ¢g7 41.¦xb6 e3µ) 40...¦8xe6 Returning the exchange to reach a clear winning position 41.dxe6 ¦xe6 42.¦e1 (42.¢g2 ¦c6 43.¦c1 ¢f7µ) 42...e3−⁠+43.fxe3 ¦e4 44.¦b1 ¦xe3 (44...¦xc4?!45.¦xb6 ¦xa4 46.¦a6³) 45.¢f4 ¦c3 (45...¦xh3?!46.¢e4) 46.¦xb6 ¦xc4 (46...¦xh3?!47.¢e4) 47.¢g5 ¦c5 (47...¦xa4?!48.¦b8 ¢f7 49.¦b7 ¢e6 50.¦xh7) 48.¢f6 ¦f5 49.¢e6 ¦f4 50.¦b8? (50.¦b7−⁠+) 50...¢g7 51.¦b7 ¢h6 52.¦a7 ¦xa4 53.¢f7 ¦h4 54.¢g8 g5
54...¦xh3?? taking the pawn will bring Black grief 55.¦xh7 ¢g5 56.¦xh3+⁠−
55.¦xa5 ¦xh3 Table base win for Black has been reached and the rest of the moves are pointless 56.¦a6 ¢h5 57.¢xh7 ¦e3 58.¦h6 ¢g4 59.¦g6 ¢f5 60.¦g8
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Beating The French - III

Mohanty, Om Prakash - Gupta, Aniruddha Dutta

Result: 1-0
Date: 2014.06.30
C18: French: 3 Nc3 Bb4: Main line: h4 and Qg4
[...] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.¤c3 ¥b4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 ¥xc3 6.bxc3 ¤e7 7.£g4 O-O 8.¥d3 f5 9.exf6 ¦xf6 10.¥g5 ¦f7 11.£h5 g6 12.£d1 £a5 13.¥d2 ¤d7
13...¤bc6 14.¤f3 £c7 15.dxc5 e5 16.¥e2 £a5 17.c4 £xc5 18.O-O ¥f5 19.¥b4 ¤xb4 20.axb4 £xb4 21.¤xe5 ¦ff8 22.cxd5 £c3 23.¥c4 ¥xc2 24.£e1 £xe1 25.¦fxe1 ¢g7 26.¦a2 ¥f5 27.g4 ¥c8 28.d6 Ivanchuk,V (2752)-Brynell,S (2484)/Gothenburg 2005/[Psakhis]/1-0
14.¤f3 c4 15.¥e2 ¤c6 16.h4!
16.O-O ¤f6 17.¤g5 ¦e7 18.f4 ¥d7
18...h6 19.¤f3 ¢g7 20.¤e5 ¥d7 21.¦f3 ¤e4 22.¥e1 ¦f8 23.¤g4 ¦ef7 24.£c1 h5 25.¤e5 ¤xe5 26.fxe5 £d8 27.h4 ¥c6 28.£e3 £e7 29.¢h2 £d7 30.¦h3 ¤f2 31.¥xf2 ¦xf2 32.¥f3 ¦xc2 33.¥xh5 ¦h8 34.¥xg6 ¢xg6 35.£g5 1-0 (35) Cukrowski,F (2109) -Klimek,P (1701) Gora Sw Anny 2012
19.¥f3 ¦f8 20.a4 ¤d8 21.£e1
21.£c1 ¤f7 22.£a3 ¦ee8 23.¤xf7 ¦xf7 24.¦fe1 ¥c6 25.£b4 £xb4 26.cxb4 ¤e4 27.¥xe4 dxe4 28.c3 ¥d5 29.¥e3 ¢f8 30.h3 ¢e7 31.¢h2 h5 32.h4 ¦f5 33.¢g3 ¦g8 34.¢h2 ¦e8 35.¢g3 ¦g8 1/2-1/2 (35) Karjakin,S (2778)-Carlsen,M (2843) Sao Paulo/ Bilbao 2012
21...¦g7 22.£h4 ¤c6 23.¦f2 ¤e7 24.¦e2 ¤f5 25.£e1 ¦e8 26.g4 ¤d6 27.£h4 £d8 28.£e1 ¦ge7 29.¥c1 h6 30.¥a3 £c7 Baron,T (2467)-Miton,K (2624)/ Haguenau FRA 2013/0-1 (56)
16...¤f6 17.h5 ¤e4
17...¤xh5? leads to nothing 18.¤g5 ¤f6 On any rook move Bxh5 is deadly 19.¤xf7 ¢xf7 20.¢f1+⁠−
18.hxg6 hxg6 White has succeeded in denuding the Black king of its pawn cover. 19.¢f1 e5
19...¤xc3?? taking the pawn is naive 20.£e1 £a4 21.¥xc3 £xc2 22.¥xc4+⁠−22...dxc4 23.d5
20.dxe5 ¤xe5 Sacrifices material. (20...¥g4 21.¢g1 ¦e8 22.¦h6²) 21.¥e3² Fine move forcing loss of material (21.¤xe5 ¦xf2 22.¢e1 £b6 23.¤xc4 dxc4) 21...¤c6
21...£xc3? fails because of 22.¥d4 ¦xf3 23.¥xc3 ¦xf2 24.¢g1 ¤xc3 25.£e1
25.¢xf2?! is the weaker alternative 25...¤xd1 26.¦axd1 ¥e6²
25...¦xe2 26.£h4+⁠−
22.¦h6 Threatening Rh6xg6 22...¢g7 (22...¦f6!? is an interesting alternative) 23.¦h4±23...£xc3 24.¢g1 ¦e7 25.¦b1 ¤f6 26.¥h6 ¢f7 27.¥c1 (27.¥d2 £xa3 28.¥g5+⁠−) 27...£a5?? (27...¥f5 28.¤g5 ¢g7+⁠−) 28.¥g5+⁠−28...£c5 (28...¢g7 29.¦f4 ¤h5+⁠−) 29.¦f4 ¦e6 30.£d2 c3?? terrible, but the game is lost in any case (30...¢g7 31.¥h6! Deflection: h6 31...¢g8+⁠−) 31.£d3 ¢g7
31...a6 the only chance to get some counterplay 32.¤h4 ¤e5+⁠−
32.¦b5 £xa3
32...£e7 a last effort to resist the inevitable 33.£xc3 ¥d7 34.¦xb7 ¦f8+⁠−
33.¤d4 ¦d6 34.£e3 ¤e4 35.¥h6 ¢g8 36.¦f8 ¢h7 37.¦f7 ¢g8 38.£f4 (38.£f4 £c1 39.£xc1 ¤xd4 40.¦f8 ¢h7 41.¥d3+⁠−)
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