Saturday 24 November 2012

The Most powerful piece In Chess

Mohanty, Om Prakash - Khan, Shams

Result: 1-0
Date: 2012.04.06
This game of mine is one of the finest I have played. This games reminds me of GM Alexander Niktin who once said that the queen is the weakest piece.
[...] 1.e4 d5 2.d4 e6 3.♘c3 ♗b4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 ♗xc3 6.bxc3 ♘e7 7.♕g4 ♕c7 8.♕xg7 ♖g8 9.♕xh7 cxd4 10.♘e2 ♘bc6 11.f4 ♗d7 12.♕d3 dxc3 13.♕xc3 ♘f5 14.♖b1 O-O-O 15.♖g1 d4 16.♕d3 ♘a5 17.g4 ♗a4 18.gxf5 ♗xc2 19.♕b5 ♖xg1 20.♘xg1 ♖d5 21.♕b2 Upto now it was French winawer's theory in my book. Here I wished to change things a bit. (21.♕b4 ♗xf5 22.♗d2 ♗xb1 23.♕xb1⩲) 21...d3 22.♗d2!22...♘b3!? At this point I was going to sacrifce the queen for the sake of central pawn , development and black's king safety. 23.fxe6! This pawn has to be exchanged before the Sac is played. 23...fxe6 24.♕xb3!! A move that has long term goals. 24...♗xb3 25.♖xb3 ♕h7 26.♘f3 ♕e4 27.♔f2 ♖d8 28.h4!28...♔b8 29.♔g3! The Strongest piece as Capa always say. 29...♕c4 30.♖c3 ♕e4 31.h5 a6 32.h6 ♕g6 33.♘g5! Sacrificing the unwanted pawn for the sake of blacks d pawn. 33...♕xh6 34.♗h3 ♖h8 35.♖xd3 ♕g6 36.♖d7 ♕b1 37.♗e3 ♕b3 38.♔f3 ♖e8?39.♖d6 ♕xa3 40.♗xe6 ♕a1 41.♗h3!41...♕h1 42.♗g2□42...♕h5 43.♔f2!43...♕h4 44.♔f1!44...♔c8 45.♖f6!45...♖g8 46.e6!!46...♕h5 47.♗f3! Sets a defending comunity. 47...♕e8 48.♖f7 ♕b5 49.♔g2 ♕c4 50.♔g3!50...♕c3 51.♗xb7 ♔b8 52.♔f3 ♕a1 53.♖d7 ♕h1 54.♔e2!! Aim is to go f5 square. 54...♕h2 55.♔d3 ♕b2 56.♗d4 ♕b1 57.♔e2 ♕b5 58.♔e3 ♕b3 59.♔e4 ♕b4 60.♔f5 Achieved!! 60...♖f8 61.♘f7 a5 62.♗e5 ♔a7 63.♗e4 ♔a6 64.♗d3 ♔b6 65.♗d6 ♔c6 66.♗xb4 axb4 67.♖d8 ♖xd8 68.♘xd8 ♔d6 69.♘b7 ♔e7 70.♔e5 b3 71.f5 ♔e8 72.f6 ♔f8 73.e7 Mate in two. Black resigns.

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