Wolfgang, Mai (1949) - Prakash, Om (2381)
Result: 0-1
Site: ICCF
Date: 2017.06.30
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥e3 e5 7.¤b3 ¥e6 8.f3 h5 9.¤d5 ¥xd5 10.exd5 ¤bd7 11.¥e2 g6 12.£d2 ¥g7 13.O-O b6 A common Sicillian book position 14.a4 O-O 15.c4 ¤c5 16.¦a3?
16.£c2!16...¦b8!17.¤d2 a5 18.¦ae1 ¤fd7 19.¤e4 ¤xe4 20.fxe4 ¢h7³ (20...¤c5 21.¥d1 ¢h7)
16...a5 17.£c2 ¤fd7 18.f4 (18.g4) 18...f5³19.fxe5 (19.¢h1) 19...¥xe5 20.¤d4 £f6 21.£d1 ¦ae8 22.¦f3? (White should try 22.¢h1³) 22...£h4!23.¦h3 £f6 24.b3?? The game is beyond retrievable after this move. (White should play 24.¥f3³) (24.¦a2!?24...¦f7 25.b3 ¤e4µ) 24...f4 With initiative Black is really pushing. 25.¦f3[#]? (25.¥f2 is the only way for White.) 25...g5!!26.¤c6?? (26.¤e6 ¤xe6 27.dxe6 £xe6 28.¥f2µ) 26...g4!27.¦f2 ¤e4 28.¤xe5 £xe5 29.¥d4 ¤xf2 30.¢xf2 g3 31.hxg3 fxg3 32.¢e1 £g5 33.¦a2 £f4 34.¦c2 ¦e4 35.¥g1 ¤e5 Black mates. 36.¦c3 h4 37.¥xb6 h3 38.gxh3 g2 39.¥g1 ¦e8 Its mate in 9 now. White Resigns. 40....
40.¦g3 £xg3 41.¢d2 ¦xe2 42.£xe2 ¤f3 43.¢d1 ¦xe2 44.¢xe2 ¤xg1 45.¢d2 ¤f3 46.¢c3 g1=£ 47.b4 ¤d4 48.¢b2 £b3#
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