Saturday, 19 November 2011

Human Interaction In Correspondence Chess II

Prakash, Om (1722) - Lacunza, Mario (1620)

Result: 1-0
Site: Lechenicher SchachServer
Date: 2011.10.09
As I am still in learning phase in correspondence chess, this game has a high importance for me. At one point My mind was blank. Thanks to Lasker's Theory and my engines personality knowledge I eventually won. Don't go by opponenets low rating!!. He played like a GM. He lost the same way I used to loose when I started playing corr chess. That is playing wihout a forsight and Human interaction. [...] 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤f6 I hate Drawish Openings. But Its not that so in Petroff as All think.
3.d4 ¤xe4 4.¥d3 d5 5.¤xe5 ¥d6 6.O-O O-O 7.c4 c6 8.¤c3 ¤xc3 9.bxc3 ¤d7 10.f4 ¤f6 11.£c2 dxc4? I am out of book now. (11...¦e8!!) 12.¤xc4 ¦e8 13.a4 ¥e6 14.¤xd6 I always loved Knights over bishops. As knights are underrated piece due to top players using double bishops, Many players seem to miss knight maneuvers in games which leads to my edge. But here is an exception.
14...£xd6 15.¥a3 £c7 16.¦ae1 h6 17.c4 ¦ad8 18.¥b2 ¥d7 19.£d2 ¦xe1 20.¦xe1 ¥e6 21.f5!! Upto this I played without interaction with programs. Just the Optimal moves. Interestingly he was doing the same!!. But this kind of moves I like which locks bishops.
21...¥d7 22.h3 ¦e8 23.¦e5 £d6 24.¥c3 b6 25.g4 £a3 26.a5 b5 27.£b2! Wanted queen exchange and to play with 2 bishops. Seems not a good plan though.
27...£d6 28.¥b4 £b8 29.¥e1!! The critical point. I was totally doomed here. None engines including my brain was helping me. All engines suggesting weird moves. So I thought If I don't have plan lets but bad peces to squares where they will cause a threat. Played it by checking If its a blunder
29...a6 30.£h2! The 2nd plan of the plan I planned at move 29.Be1!!
30...h5 31.£g3! Black is in zugzwang. No engines find it or I hope so. So I mainteined Nimzowitch's plan...errrr hmmmm my plan. Threat is dangerous than execution you know ?
31...hxg4 32.hxg4 c5 33.g5! I play with Pawns - Opposite of Shirov.
33...¤h5 34.£h2!! Ah!! what didn't you get it ? My Nimzowitch's plan. What else ?
34...¦xe5 Finally he exchchanged!! after torture.
35.dxe5 bxc4 36.e6!! What ? Not Be4 ? How can you win this ? All engines suggested Be4 but I felt fishy in there. Show I went straight to a position which is beyond of few engines understanding(Houdini is one of them) except one The Great Zappa.
36...£xh2 37.¢xh2 ¥b5 38.exf7 ¢xf7 39.¥e4 ¤f4 40.g6 ¢f8 41.¥d2!!ќ I saw this move when I played 36.e6. No Engines find this as winning except the tweaked Zappa II and that too after a long time. Its a typical human Interacted move which can beat engines easily. Engines Suggest 41.Bg3-d6+-Bxc5 which I was not convinced.
41...¤h5 42.¥f3! No not 42. Bc3? . Didn't you get my plan ?
42...¤f6 43.¢g3 My Strongest piece!! 43...¤g8 That was my plan. To send the knight home where it s useless as it controls less squares. Black's moves are more or less forced.
44.¥e3! ¢e8 45.¥xc5 c3 46.¥e4! Blocks the pawn too. 46...¥a4 47.¥d3! c2 48.¥a3! ¤f6 Now the pony jumped to find out everything is over.
49.¥xa6 ¢d7 50.¢f3 ¢c6 51.¢e3! King reaches the blacks queening square by Kd2-c1 and takes the pawn after Bd3 .Two separated passed pawns after Bb2-Bxf6. Or If knight is on e8 or h5 Then Bxg7!! as after Nxg7 f6 is hard for knight too. Hard to handle for black. So Black resigns.
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Monday, 14 November 2011

Human Interaction in Correspondence Chess

Schachmatt - Omprakash

Result: 1-0
Site: ChessPlanet
Date: 2011
This was my first game of Round 1 in WBCCC 2011 which was conducted in Chessplanet server. This particular game has given me insight that how a human is always superior in finding deep tactics involving positional sacrifices. This game is a prime example of that. I used Rybka Aquarium GUI and 4 single core Houdini 1.5a x64s to analyse on my fast i7 machine. [...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥e3 e5 7.¤b3 ¥e6 8.f3 ¤bd7 9.g4 b5 10.g5 b4 11.¤d5 ¤xd5 12.exd5 ¥f5 13.¥d3 ¥xd3 14.£xd3 ¥e7 15.¦g1! O-O! 16.O-O-O a5!! 17.¢b1!! Here f5!! is the best move. I wanted to go out of book here. So I played aiming on the attack on the King which I always like to do.
(17.¤d2!! a4 18.h4!!17.¤d2!! a4 18.h4!! (18.¤e4? £a5!) (18.¦g4!?) )
17...a4!? 18.¤d2 £a5! 19.¤e4 ¦fc8!? 20.h4 £a6? After a long analysis I felt I should exchange queens to my advantage.
21.¦g4!! This particular move says that queen exchange is not feasible if you are playing for a win.
21...£b7 Now I changed my mind!!. I now was in a mood for attack.
22.h5! Now here My king is in danger and I am unaware and my engines too. Rab8 or Ra5 was the correct reaction.
22...¦c7?? I wanted to double the rooks before playing b3. But what a Blunder ? I analysed 2 whole days In IDeA but with LESS HUMAN INTERACTION and found my plan to be great. None of the Engines I have Including Rybka , Houdini, Hiarcs, Shredder, Junior , Stockfish, Fritz , Robbolito and family, Ippolit and family and Spark found that Rc7 was damn good blunder. Score was equal. So i opened my XFCCPlay and eneterd the move Rc7. But suddenly before confirming the move I thought of the move g6!!. What happenes next ? Nothing becoz after 23.g6 fxg6 24.hxg6 h6? nothing is happening and I am holding the attack??. What a mess. I confirmed Rc7??
23.g6!!ќ None of the engines find this move Interestingly. They think Rdg1?? as best!!
23...fxg6 24.hxg6 h6??
(24...h5?? 25.¤g3!! Leaving the rook and winning. (25.¤xd6!!ќ) 25...b3 26.cxb3 axb3 27.a3 £c8 (27...¤f6? 28.¦b4ќ) 28.¤xh5 ¦c2 29.¦h1!!ќ)
25.¥xh6!! Many engines don't find it either. I saw this move when I played 24...h6? but missed 26.Qe3!! and the coming queen sac
25...£b6 To stop Qe3 but again I found.....
(25...gxh6?? 26.£e3!! b3
(26...¢g7?? 27.£xh6!! ¢xh6 28.g7!! ¥h4 29.¦h1 ¤f6 30.¤xf6 ¦xg7 31.¦hxh4#)
27.cxb3 axb3 28.a3 ¥g5 (28...¥f6 29.g7!!ќ) 29.¦xg5!!ќ)
(25...b3 26.cxb3 axb3 27.a3 ¤f6
(27...¥f6?? 28.¥g5 (28.¥xg7!? ¥xg7 29.¤xd6!ќ) (28.¤xd6!?) 28...¥xg5 29.¤xg5)
(28.¤xf6 ¥xf6 29.¥g5!ќ (29.¦b4!!ќ) 29...e4 30.fxe4 ¦c3!? 31.£f1 £c8 32.¦g2!!ќ ¦g3 33.¦c1 £g4 34.¦xg3 £xg3 35.¥xf6 £xg6 36.¥c3 £xe4 37.¢a1 £g4 (37...£xd5 38.¥xg7ќ) 38.£g1!)
28...¤xg4 29.fxg4 ¥xg5 30.¤xg5 ¦ac8 31.¦h1 ¦c1 32.¦xc1 ¦xc1 33.¢xc1 £b6 34.¤e4 £g1 35.¢d2 £b6 36.£c3!± Mate in 22)
26.¥xg7 I am Happy that I lost this game. I learnt a important lesson. Until and Unless a human guides an chessprogram to a concrete plan they are useless. As a human I would have played g6 or may be Bxh6 but it wasn't easy to find Qe3 which was winning. But then Engines see the Light. I found Stockfish at Agressiveness 200 and cowardice 0 find g6!! and the Bxh6!! sac immediately!!.
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